viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Queasy Spice

As well as having a number of functional benefits (see THIS ARTICLE) Ginger is also, traditionally, a remedy for nausea.  It seems that science again catches up with our grandmothers and the New Scientist tell us below that GINGER can curb the feeling of sickness!

"GINGER can help to quell nausea, say scientists in Britain. Max Pittler and his colleagues at the University of Exeter reviewed six studies of the spice's effect on various types of nausea, from seasickness through morning sickness to the nausea that follows chemotherapy.In the studies, volunteers took a daily dose of up to 1 gram of ginger extract as a tablet—the equivalent of a handful of fresh root ginger. In all but one study, the ginger extract was better than a placebo at curbing nausea (British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol 84, p 367). In two studies, ginger was as effective as metoclopramide, a commonly prescribed anti-emetic. Pittler says ginger is "a promising herbal remedy"."

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