miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

We are what we eat

Historian and food writer Sharada Dwivedi writes some sense about modern diets and fads.  Full article can be found: HERE

Food is a priority item on the lifestyle agenda these days with focus on healthy eating.
 "You are what you eat", says Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life. 

In the 20th Century we seem to have forgotten the maxims of our own medical experts of before & turned to the West for advice on sound eating.

Why would we spend mini-fortunes indulging ourselves in buying packaged "health foods" especially when senior members of our own families have been recommending identical diets in different forms handed  down to us over many generations?

Ancient wise men and women who were concerned about good health have developed some simple rules that make some sense in todays complicated food landscape:

  • Ayurveda science also tells us that whatever we eat should be in moderation
  • Yoghurt, especially when consumed in the spring and summer months, is beneficial for health and high in Vitamin B
  • There are good, natural vegetarian sources of protein - lentils and such like
  • Use of herbs and spices can have medicinal applications e.g. Ginger (clears the tongue and throat of mucus) &. Garlic "is as good as ten mothers"

So it seems that modern science is slowly catching up with Ayurvedic Medicine which is over 5000 years old!

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